History 269 Frontier and pioneer life 110 Description and travel 51 In literature 51 History and criticism 50 Indians of North America 45 Discovery and exploration 34 Social life and customs 29 American literature 28 Social conditions 27 Women 26 Travel 23 Pioneers 22 Social aspects 22 Western stories 22 Cowboys 20 Territorial expansion 19 Race relations 16 Wars 15 Environmental aspects 14 Overland journeys to the Pacific 14 Environmental conditions 13 Outlaws 13 African Americans 12 Explorers 12 Railroads 12 Civilization 11 Intellectual life 11 Gender identity 10 Government relations 10 Indigenous peoples 10 Water-supply 10 Western films 10 Women pioneers 10 Authors, American 9 Emigration and immigration 9 Frontier and pioneer life in literature 9 History, Local 9 Politics and government 9 Women authors 9 Ethnic relations 8 Government policy 8 Homes and haunts 8 Industrialization 8 Land use 8 Soldiers 8 Criticism and interpretation 7 Economic conditions 7 Environmental policy 7 History, Military 7 Immigrants 7 Landscapes 7 Military life 7 Natural history 7 Public lands 7 Conservation of natural resources 6 Economic aspects 6 Fur trade 6 Political aspects 6 Women and literature 6 American poetry 5 Effect of human beings on 5 Entertainers 5 Historiography 5 Land settlement 5 Latter Day Saint churches 5 Migrations 5 Racism 5 Regionalism in literature 5 Slavery 5 Technology 5 Women authors, American 5 Women in literature 5 Agriculture 4 American fiction 4 Biography 4 Community life 4 Cowgirls 4 Crime 4 Forests and forestry 4 Gold discoveries 4 Gold mines and mining 4 Human ecology 4 In mass media 4 In motion pictures 4 Land use, Rural 4 Law and legislation 4 Masculinity 4 Migration, Internal 4 Mines and mineral resources 4 Missions 4 Nature 4 Nature conservation 4 Nuclear weapons 4 Place (Philosophy) in literature 4 Politics and literature 4 Prevention and control 4 Ranch life 4 Social change 4 Study and teaching 4