History 241 African Americans 47 Race relations 35 Slavery 34 Social conditions 34 Politics and government 33 Enslaved persons 24 Social life and customs 21 Social aspects 18 Campaigns 16 Women 15 Social classes 11 Law and legislation 10 Plantation life 10 Soldiers 10 Antiquities 9 Civil rights 9 Church history 8 Family 8 School integration 8 Ethnic relations 7 Hospitals 7 Nurses 7 Political and social views 7 Political aspects 7 history 7 British 6 Colonies 6 Economic conditions 6 Freed persons 6 Fugitive slaves 6 Homes and haunts 6 Indians of North America 6 Physicians 6 Regimental histories 6 Civil rights movements 5 Discovery and exploration 5 Elite (Social sciences) 5 Excavations (Archaeology) 5 Gender identity 5 Governors 5 Influence 5 Legislators 5 Racism 5 Segregation in education 5 Description and travel 4 Emancipation 4 Environmental aspects 4 Gentry 4 History, 20th Century 4 Legal status, laws, etc 4 Material culture 4 Military leadership 4 Prisoners and prisons 4 Prisoners of war 4 Religion 4 Religious life and customs 4 Segregation 4 Sex role 4 Slave rebellions 4 Virginia Tech Shootings, Blacksburg, Va., 2007 4 African American abolitionists 3 African American cemeteries 3 African American cooks 3 African American families 3 American literature 3 Causes 3 Cavalry operations 3 Childhood and youth 3 Church and state 3 Civilization 3 Clergy 3 Climatic changes 3 Colonization 3 Constitutional history 3 Criticism and interpretation 3 Emigration and immigration 3 Eugenics 3 Families 3 Free African Americans 3 Freedom of religion 3 Frontier and pioneer life 3 Health aspects 3 History and criticism 3 In literature 3 Indentured servants 3 Intellectual life 3 Interracial marriage 3 Midwifery 3 Military life 3 Monacan Indians 3 Nat Turner's Rebellion, Virginia, 1831 3 Overland Campaign, Va., 1864 3 Political activity 3 Presidents 3 Prostitutes 3 Public schools 3 Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) 3 School shootings 3 Secession 3