History 380 Politics and government 66 Mexican Americans 64 Social conditions 57 Social life and customs 44 Social aspects 39 Race relations 37 Frontier and pioneer life 33 African Americans 30 Ethnic relations 28 Description and travel 26 History and criticism 24 Civil rights 22 Emigration and immigration 19 Economic conditions 17 Natural history 17 Women 17 Antiquities 16 Political aspects 15 Authors, American 14 Ethnic identity 14 Immigrants 13 Indians of North America 13 Governors 12 Historiography 12 History, Military 12 Influence 12 Mexicans 12 Soldiers 12 Travel 12 Homes and haunts 11 Legal status, laws, etc 11 Mexican American women 11 Ranch life 11 Education 10 Government policy 10 Petroleum industry and trade 10 Ranchers 10 Violence 10 World War, 1939-1945 10 Buildings, structures, etc 9 Campaigns 9 History, Local 9 In literature 9 Intellectual life 9 Legislators 9 Outlaws 9 Political activity 9 Violence against 9 Church history 8 Civil rights movements 8 Crime 8 Economic aspects 8 Environmental aspects 8 Excavations (Archaeology) 8 Law and legislation 8 Minorities 8 Peace officers 8 Philanthropists 8 Racism 8 Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) 8 Religious aspects 8 Trials (Murder) 8 American literature 7 Capital punishment 7 City planning 7 Country musicians 7 Crimes against 7 Family 7 Folklore 7 Hispanic Americans 7 Murder 7 Music 7 Pioneers 7 Politicians 7 Birds 6 Businessmen 6 Childhood and youth 6 Foreign relations 6 Generals 6 German Americans 6 Group identity 6 Hate crimes 6 Jews 6 Law enforcement 6 Officers 6 Officials and employees 6 Political parties 6 Prisoners 6 Students 6 Teachers 6 Accidents 5 Armed Forces 5 Blues (Music) 5 Businesspeople 5 Citizenship 5 College teachers 5 Country music 5 Cowboys 5 Fishing 5