History 699 African Americans 269 Race relations 243 Politics and government 169 Social conditions 160 History and criticism 127 Civil rights 120 In literature 113 Slavery 100 Civil rights movements 93 Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) 83 Indians of North America 75 Social aspects 75 American literature 74 Social life and customs 63 Intellectual life 57 Civil rights workers 53 Economic conditions 53 Antiquities 51 Enslaved persons 49 Political activity 48 Criticism and interpretation 47 Civilization 43 Women 42 African American women 34 Segregation 33 Political aspects 31 Racism 30 Women and literature 30 American fiction 27 Education 27 Youth 27 Plantation life 26 Secession 26 Influence 25 White people 25 Religion 22 Historiography 21 Church history 20 Economic aspects 20 Group identity 20 Description and travel 19 Political culture 19 African American civil rights workers 18 Civil rights demonstrations 18 Political and social views 18 Travel 17 Authors, American 16 Regionalism 16 African Americans in literature 15 Popular culture 15 Religious aspects 15 Rural conditions 15 Excavations (Archaeology) 14 Mississippian culture 14 Psychological aspects 14 Women authors 14 Agriculture 13 English language 13 Freed persons 13 Race identity 13 Christianity 12 Causes 11 Emancipation 11 Ethnic relations 11 Gender identity 11 Homes and haunts 11 Memory 11 Public opinion 11 Segregation in education 11 Suffrage 11 Campaigns 10 Nationalism 10 Political parties 10 Women, White 10 history 10 Cities and towns 9 Evangelicalism 9 Languages 9 Law and legislation 9 Music 9 Race discrimination 9 Race relations in literature 9 Sex role 9 Slaveholders 9 Social change 9 African American authors 8 Antislavery movements 8 Dialects 8 Environmental conditions 8 Land tenure 8 Legal status, laws, etc 8 Literature and society 8 Lynching 8 Migrations 8 Race in literature 8 Segregation in transportation 8 Working class 8 African American farmers 7 Black people 7