History 255
History and criticism 52
Politics and government 41
In literature 27
Intellectual life 26
Scottish authors 25
English literature 23
Social conditions 23
Scottish literature 21
Social life and customs 21
Enlightenment 20
Criticism and interpretation 18
Description and travel 18
Scots 17
Nationalism 16
Emigration and immigration 15
Agriculture 13
Civilization 13
Farm life 13
Law 13
Antiquities 12
Farmers 12
Church history 10
Economic conditions 10
Influence 10
Ballads, Scots 9
Excavations (Archaeology) 9
Philosophers 9
Political aspects 9
Social aspects 9
Foreign relations 8
History, Military 8
Kings and rulers 8
Relations 8
Scots language 8
Women 8
Literature and society 7
Romanticism 7
Autonomy and independence movements 6
Ballads, English 6
Crofters 6
Decentralization in government 6
Jacobites 6
Queens 6
Reformation 6
Self-determination, National 6
Authors, Scottish 5
Education 5
English fiction 5
Folk music 5
Home rule 5
Land tenure 5
Literature and history 5
Motion pictures 5
National characteristics, Scottish 5
Nobility 5
Philosophy 5
Politics and literature 5
Referendum 5
Bannockburn, Battle of, Scotland, 1314 4
Castles 4
Cities and towns 4
Economics 4
Economists 4
Ethics 4
Government policy 4
Historic buildings 4
Homes and haunts 4
Law and legislation 4
National characteristics, Scottish, in literature 4
Neolithic period 4
Philosophy, Scottish 4
Physicians 4
Police 4
Political activity 4
Political and social views 4
Public opinion 4
Regicides 4
Sex role 4
Sustainable living 4
history 4
Absence and presumption of death 3
Art, Modern 3
Art, Scottish 3
Artists 3
Authors, English 3
Bagpipe 3
Bagpipe music 3
Brothers 3
Coming of age 3
Commerce 3
Constitutional history 3
Criminal law 3
Dialects 3
Education, Higher 3
English poetry 3
Ethnic identity 3
Eviction 3
Forests and forestry 3
Gay men 3