History 220
Social conditions 50
African Americans 31
Social aspects 27
Social life and customs 25
Politics and government 24
Race relations 22
Economic conditions 17
Education 12
Urban renewal 11
City planning 10
Art 8
Coal miners 8
Ethnic relations 8
Immigrants 8
Indians of North America 8
Quakers 8
Religious aspects 8
Steel industry and trade 8
Environmental aspects 7
Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863 7
Irish Americans 7
Iron and steel workers 7
Religion 7
Soldiers 7
Women 7
Antislavery movements 6
Church history 6
Civil rights 6
Elections 6
Environmental conditions 6
Free African Americans 6
Murder 6
Political aspects 6
Prisoners 6
Amish 5
Campaigns 5
Community development 5
Economic aspects 5
Investigation 5
Labor unions 5
Law and legislation 5
Medicine 5
Minorities 5
Political activity 5
Prisoners of war 5
history 5
Anthracite coal mines and mining 4
Architecture and society 4
Children 4
City and town life 4
Civil rights movements 4
Clergy 4
Cultural assimilation 4
English language 4
Ethnic identity 4
Government policy 4
Health and hygiene 4
Industrialization 4
Institutional care 4
Legal status, laws, etc 4
Medical care 4
Moravians 4
Pennsylvania Dutch 4
Philosophy 4
Prisons 4
Regimental histories 4
Rehabilitation 4
Urbanization 4
Working class 4
Abolitionists 3
African American women 3
Anti-communist movements 3
Antiquities 3
Catholic Church 3
Child welfare 3
Christianity 3
Collectors and collecting 3
Community and college 3
Community life 3
Democracy 3
Depressions 3
Description and travel 3
Dwellings 3
Emigration and immigration 3
Employees 3
Employment 3
Families 3
Family 3
Fathers and sons 3
Frontier and pioneer life 3
Gardens 3
Health aspects 3
Historic sites 3
History and criticism 3
History, Military 3
Homes and haunts 3
In literature 3
Intellectual life 3
Labor movement 3