History 137 Social life and customs 71 Intellectual life 50 Social conditions 25 Ex-convicts 23 Orphans 22 Americans 21 History and criticism 19 Poor 18 Fashion 17 Fashion designers 15 Police 15 Politics and government 14 Description and travel 13 Fashion design 13 Buildings, structures, etc 12 Fashion shows 12 Authors, American 8 Civilization 8 Homes and haunts 8 City planning 7 French literature 7 Immigrants 7 Riots 7 Social aspects 7 American literature 6 Arts, French 6 In literature 6 Intellectuals 6 Political activity 6 Race relations 6 World War, 1939-1945 6 Criticism and interpretation 5 Fathers and daughters 5 French influences 5 Influence 5 Working class 5 African Americans 4 Architecture 4 City and town life 4 College students 4 Ethnic relations 4 Executions and executioners 4 French fiction 4 Lookalikes 4 Man-woman relationships 4 Modernism (Literature) 4 Travel 4 World War, 1914-1918 4 Art 3 Artists 3 Courtesans 3 Courtship 3 Divorced women 3 Economic conditions 3 Emigration and immigration 3 Expatriate authors 3 Friends and associates 3 Impressionism (Art) 3 In motion pictures 3 Manners and customs 3 Painting, French 3 Political culture 3 Relations 3 Revolutionaries 3 Social change 3 Upper class 3 Urban policy 3 African American authors 2 Africans 2 American and French 2 Amusements in art 2 Antiquities 2 Architecture and state 2 Art, French 2 Arts 2 Authors 2 Authors, French 2 Avant-garde (Aesthetics) 2 Booksellers and bookselling 2 Catacombs 2 Church history 2 Colonies 2 Comparative literature 2 Death and burial 2 Early printed books 2 Economic aspects 2 English literature 2 Enlightenment 2 Foreign influences 2 French and American 2 Gastronomy 2 Hotels 2 Jews 2 Journalists 2 Leisure in art 2 Literature 2 Literature publishing 2 Literature, Modern 2 Painting 2