World War, 1939-1945 65
History 54
Campaigns 41
Economic conditions 26
Foreign relations 26
Politics and government 24
Foreign economic relations 18
Social aspects 17
Strategic aspects 16
Commerce 14
National security 13
Economic integration 12
Security, International 12
Social conditions 12
Economic development 11
History and criticism 10
Relations 10
Military policy 9
Finance 8
Free trade 8
Law and legislation 8
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941 7
Sustainable development 7
Women 7
Commercial policy 6
Economic forecasting 6
Education, Higher 6
Emigration and immigration 6
Environmental aspects 6
Government policy 6
In literature 6
Sea-power 6
Study and teaching 6
Aerial operations, American 5
Climatic changes 5
Conflict management 5
Discovery and exploration 5
Economic aspects 5
Economic policy 5
Globalization 5
History, Military 5
Imperialism 5
International cooperation 5
International trade 5
Military relations 5
Pacific Area cooperation 5
Race relations 5
Regimental histories 5
American literature 4
Armed Forces 4
Cities and towns 4
City planning 4
Foreign trade regulation 4
Geopolitics 4
International economic relations 4
Labor 4
Languages 4
Management 4
Naval operations, American 4
Peace-building 4
Sociolinguistics 4
Transnationalism 4
Travel 4
Artillery operations, American 3
Banks and banking 3
Economic indicators 3
English language 3
Financial crises 3
Financial services industry 3
Human ecology 3
Human rights 3
Imperialism in literature 3
Indigenous peoples 3
International relations 3
Japanese Americans 3
Language policy 3
Languages in contact 3
Law of the sea 3
Medical care 3
Older people 3
Personnel management 3
Political aspects 3
Prevention 3
Public opinion 3
Soldiers 3
War correspondents 3
Women's rights 3
Accounting 2
African Americans 2
Aging 2
Aims and objectives 2
Air pilots, Military 2
Americans 2
Antiquities 2
Archaeology 2
Asian cooperation 2
Atrocities 2
Aviation 2
British 2
Civil rights 2