History 155
Social conditions 81
Social life and customs 61
Politics and government 46
African Americans 35
Intellectual life 33
Race relations 32
Buildings, structures, etc 31
Jews 26
Ethnic relations 23
Fashion design 21
Fashion designers 21
Economic conditions 20
Immigrants 20
Emigration and immigration 19
Social aspects 19
Fashion 18
Fashion shows 17
City and town life 14
History and criticism 14
In literature 14
In motion pictures 13
Puerto Ricans 13
Skyscrapers 12
September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 11
Family members 10
Description and travel 9
Experimental films 9
Homes and haunts 9
Motion pictures 9
American literature 8
City planning 8
Design and construction 8
Architecture 7
Historic buildings 7
Mayors 7
Subways 7
Upper class 7
Bohemianism 6
Civil rights 6
Criticism and interpretation 6
Gay men 6
Inner cities 6
Racism 6
Single women 6
Authors, American 5
Childhood and youth 5
Chinese Americans 5
Cities and towns 5
Civilization 5
Families 5
Hispanic Americans 5
Influence 5
Intellectuals 5
Italian Americans 5
Man-woman relationships 5
Minorities 5
Race identity 5
Relations 5
Social classes 5
Women 5
African American authors 4
Americans 4
Artists 4
Attitudes 4
Catholics 4
Divorced women 4
Ethnic identity 4
Friendships 4
Graffiti 4
Political activity 4
Religion 4
September 11 Terrorist Attacks 4
Statue of Liberty (New York, N.Y.) 4
Urban ecology (Sociology) 4
Women immigrants 4
Young women 4
history 4
Boys 3
Children 3
Church history 3
City and town life in literature 3
Commercial buildings 3
Construction workers 3
Crime 3
Economic aspects 3
Economic policy 3
Environmental conditions 3
Ethnic neighborhoods 3
Ethnicity 3
Fathers 3
Friendship 3
Gangs 3
Harlem Renaissance 3
Hasidim 3
Irish Americans 3
Jewish women 3
Jews, East European 3
Journalism 3
Mistresses 3