History 313
Social conditions 132
Social life and customs 77
History and criticism 71
African Americans 70
Fashion designers 69
Theater 66
Fashion 61
Fashion shows 55
Social aspects 54
Actors 53
Intellectual life 50
Politics and government 50
September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 50
Barbering 48
Cosmetics 48
Hairdressing 48
Immigrants 45
Jews 41
Race relations 35
Economic conditions 31
Emigration and immigration 29
Buildings, structures, etc 28
Ethnic relations 26
Harlem Renaissance 26
Political activity 26
Puerto Ricans 25
Musicals 24
Artists 22
Auditions 22
City planning 22
Fashion design 21
Skyscrapers 21
Acting 20
American literature 20
Art, American 18
Basketball players 18
City and town life 18
Education 18
High school students 17
Homeless persons 17
Design and construction 16
Elections 16
Homes and haunts 16
Modern dance 16
Subways 16
African American authors 15
Art 15
Housing 15
Music 15
Urban renewal 15
Choreographers 14
Criticism and interpretation 14
Minorities 14
Police 14
September 11 Terrorist Attacks 14
Student government 14
Casting 13
Labor unions 13
Political aspects 13
Production and direction 13
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- 12
Civil rights 12
Fire fighters 12
In literature 12
Mayors 12
Terrorism 12
history 12
Art collections 11
Childhood and youth 11
Gentrification 11
Horse-drawn vehicles 11
Italian Americans 11
Political campaigns 11
Poor 11
Private collections 11
Religion 11
Teachers 11
Women 11
African American women 10
Architecture 10
Casting directors 10
Chinese Americans 10
Dancers 10
Employment 10
Ethnic identity 10
Family members 10
Gay men 10
Jazz 10
Law and legislation 10
Parades 10
Bridges 9
Dance 9
Inner cities 9
Man-woman relationships 9
Psychological aspects 9
Public schools 9
Race identity 9
Racism 9
Women immigrants 9