History 208
Puritans 55
History and criticism 40
American literature 35
Church history 29
Intellectual life 28
Social life and customs 28
Indians of North America 27
Social conditions 22
Economic conditions 18
Politics and government 18
Description and travel 17
Women 15
Civilization 13
Indigenous peoples 13
In literature 11
Gender identity 10
Puritan authors 10
Race relations 10
Religion 10
Social aspects 10
Witchcraft 10
Criticism and interpretation 9
Christianity 8
Families 8
Natural history 8
Religious aspects 8
American poetry 7
Books and reading 7
Education 7
Ethnic relations 7
Historiography 7
Literature and society 7
Material culture 7
Missions 7
Religious life and customs 7
Sisters 7
Slavery 7
Architecture 6
Christian literature, American 6
Congregational churches 6
Puritan movements in literature 6
Wars 6
Young women 6
Authors, American 5
Cities and towns 5
Clergy 5
Employment 5
History of doctrines 5
Man-woman relationships 5
March family (Fictitious characters) 5
Politics and literature 5
Preaching 5
Rhetoric 5
Slave trade 5
Transcendentalism (New England) 5
Women and literature 5
Antiquities 4
Christian poetry, American 4
City and town life 4
Colonization 4
Communication 4
English language 4
Ethnic identity 4
Historic buildings 4
History, Local 4
History, Military 4
Human ecology 4
King Philip's War, 1675-1676 4
Literacy 4
National characteristics, American 4
New Englanders 4
Political aspects 4
Travel 4
Whaling 4
Women authors 4
Working class 4
African American women 3
Alchemists 3
Alchemy 3
Architecture, Colonial 3
Authority in literature 3
Colonies in literature 3
Dance 3
Doctrines 3
Emigration and immigration 3
Family members 3
Famous Persons 3
Feminism 3
Folklore 3
Frontier and pioneer life 3
Historians 3
Historical fiction, American 3
History, Modern 1601- 3
Identification (Religion) 3
Indian captivities 3
Influence 3
Libraries 3
Local government 3
Nature 3