History 330 Painters 41 Social aspects 37 Commerce 34 Social conditions 32 Artists 28 Colonies 28 Jews 28 Politics and government 28 World War, 1939-1945 27 Intellectual life 26 History and criticism 23 Civilization 22 Foreign relations 22 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 22 Ethnic relations 21 Criticism and interpretation 19 Antiquities 18 Dutch 18 Economic conditions 18 Emigration and immigration 18 Excavations (Archaeology) 17 Social life and customs 17 Church history 16 City planning 15 Government policy 15 Relations 15 Law and legislation 14 Immigrants 13 Painting, Dutch 13 Political aspects 13 Humanists 12 Philosophy 12 Dutch language 11 Religious aspects 11 history 11 Art, Dutch 10 Research 10 Economic aspects 9 Nationalism 9 Psychological aspects 9 Science 9 Study and teaching 9 Medicine 8 Neolithic period 8 Women 8 Art 7 Authors, Latin (Medieval and modern) 7 Cities and towns 7 Dutch literature 7 Education 7 History, Military 7 Medical care 7 Multiculturalism 7 Publishers and publishing 7 Themes, motives 7 Welfare state 7 Antiquities, Roman 6 Description and travel 6 Economic development 6 Finance 6 Historiography 6 Homes and haunts 6 Influence 6 Jewish families 6 Judaism 6 Management 6 Minorities 6 Painting 6 Public opinion 6 Religion 6 Yugoslav War, 1991-1995 6 Campaigns 5 Christianity 5 Church and state 5 Decision making 5 Environmental policy 5 Holocaust survivors 5 Human rights 5 Illegal immigration 5 International relations 5 Motion pictures 5 Mounds 5 Noncitizens 5 Patient Care 5 Political culture 5 Printing 5 Public welfare 5 Racism 5 Radicalism 5 Reformation 5 Romans 5 Sephardim 5 Social policy 5 Sociology, Urban 5 Still-life painting, Dutch 5 Turks 5 Urban renewal 5 War crime trials 5 Agriculture 4