History 147 Civilization 38 Antiquities 36 Relations 18 History and criticism 16 Social conditions 14 Religious aspects 13 Archaeology 12 Description and travel 12 Excavations (Archaeology) 12 Foreign relations 12 Politics and government 11 Commerce 10 Economic conditions 10 Social aspects 10 Religion 9 Social life and customs 9 Historiography 8 History, Military 8 In literature 8 Civilization, Medieval 7 Emigration and immigration 7 Environmental conditions 7 Political aspects 7 Bronze age 6 Cities and towns, Ancient 6 Intellectual life 6 Material culture 6 Social change 6 Campaigns 5 Christianity 5 Criticism, interpretation, etc 5 Ecology 5 Ethnic relations 5 Human geography 5 Marine ecology 5 National security 5 Religious life and customs 5 Social archaeology 5 Tourism 5 Women 5 World War, 1939-1945 5 Animal behavior 4 Animal migration 4 Archaeology and history 4 Biblical teaching 4 Civilization, Ancient 4 Classical antiquities 4 Colonization 4 Economic aspects 4 Government policy 4 Group identity 4 Hellenism 4 History, Naval 4 Human ecology 4 Islam 4 Judaism 4 Marine animals 4 Merchants 4 Migration 4 Prehistoric peoples 4 Sustainable development 4 history 4 Civilization, Classical 3 Economic policy 3 Effect of human beings on 3 Ethnology 3 Foreign economic relations 3 Geopolitics 3 Greek influences 3 Intercultural communication 3 International relations 3 Iron age 3 Kings and rulers 3 Law and legislation 3 Medicine 3 Mediterranean influences 3 Methodology 3 Music 3 Nature 3 Navigation 3 Pirates 3 Travel 3 War 3 Women and religion 3 Abrahamic religions 2 Acculturation 2 Administration 2 Architecture 2 Arts 2 Biotic communities 2 Church history 2 Citizenship 2 Climatic changes 2 Clothing and dress 2 Collection and preservation 2 Colonies 2 Commerce, Prehistoric 2 Consumption (Economics) 2 Crusades 2