History 197 Social life and customs 46 History and criticism 41 Social conditions 40 Theater 30 Orphans 26 Fashion designers 24 Poor 24 Fashion 22 Intellectual life 22 Fashion shows 19 English literature 16 In literature 16 Stage history 16 Cosmetics 15 Hairdressing 15 Barbering 14 Criticism and interpretation 13 English drama 12 Homes and haunts 12 Man-woman relationships 12 Benefactors 11 Botanical gardens 11 Pickpockets 11 Social aspects 11 Women 11 Children 10 Economic conditions 10 Revenge 10 Theaters 10 World War, 1939-1945 10 Buildings, structures, etc 9 City and town life 9 Hospital care 9 history 9 Children of prisoners 8 Debt, Imprisonment for 8 Ex-convicts 8 Law and legislation 8 Black people 7 City planning 7 Fashion design 7 Literature and society 7 Prostitution 7 Surgery 7 Working class 7 Antiquities 6 Artists 6 Authors, English 6 Automobile parking 6 Crime 6 Emigration and immigration 6 Fires 6 Murder 6 Parking enforcement agents 6 Politics and government 6 Commerce 5 Death 5 Elementary schools 5 Excavations (Archaeology) 5 Housing 5 Immigrants 5 Psychology 5 Race relations 5 Services for 5 Theater and society 5 Theatrical companies 5 Art 4 Book industries and trade 4 Cancer 4 Charities 4 Compulsive gamblers 4 Economic aspects 4 English fiction 4 Finance 4 Gay men 4 Grandparent and child 4 History, 19th Century 4 Influence 4 Jews 4 Moneylenders 4 Painting 4 Popular culture 4 Refugees 4 Religion 4 School children 4 Sociology, Urban 4 Treatment 4 Architecture 3 Arson 3 Bars (Drinking establishments) 3 Bloomsbury group 3 Cities and towns 3 Cities and towns in literature 3 Civil rights demonstrations 3 Civilization 3 Construction industry 3 Consumer-driven health care 3 Criminals 3 Curiosities and wonders 3