History 49
Politics and government 48
Foreign relations 43
Economic conditions 26
Social aspects 25
Social conditions 22
Economic policy 19
Short films 16
Women 13
Korean War, 1950-1953 11
Korean reunification question (1945- ) 11
Motion pictures 11
Social life and customs 11
Animated films 10
Democratization 10
Democracy 9
Emigration and immigration 8
Government policy 8
Koreans 8
Industrial policy 7
Military bases, American 7
Military relations 7
Political aspects 7
Relations 7
Description and travel 6
Economic development 6
Employees 6
Families 6
Feature films 6
Globalization 6
History and criticism 6
National security 6
Political activity 6
Campaigns 5
Economic aspects 5
Foreign economic relations 5
Man-woman relationships 5
Nuclear nonproliferation 5
Popular culture 5
Popular music 5
World politics 5
Children 4
Death 4
Ethnic identity 4
Finance 4
Immigrants 4
Intercountry adoption 4
International relations 4
Interracial adoption 4
Korean Americans 4
Labor movement 4
Mass media 4
Motion picture industry 4
Protest movements 4
Social movements 4
Strategic aspects 4
Adopted children 3
Armed Forces 3
Civilization 3
Education and state 3
Education, Higher 3
English language 3
Fans (Persons) 3
Feminism 3
In motion pictures 3
International cooperation 3
Korean American women 3
Kwangju Uprising, Kwangju-si, Korea, 1980 3
Labor market 3
Labor unions 3
Law reform 3
Multiculturalism 3
Nuclear weapons 3
Political corruption 3
Political participation 3
Political persecution 3
Political science 3
Popular culture and globalization 3
Prostitution 3
Psychology 3
Return migration 3
Security, International 3
Sex industry 3
Social change 3
Study and teaching 3
Technological innovations 3
Urbanization 3
Adoptees 2
Architecture 2
Art museums 2
Bureaucracy 2
Business etiquette 2
Businesswomen 2
Capitalism 2
Citizenship 2
City planning 2
Collective memory 2
Communication 2
Cooking, Korean 2
Corporate governance 2