History 47 Politics and government 37 Social life and customs 34 Social conditions 31 Economic conditions 29 Maasai (African people) 20 Women 20 Kikuyu (African people) 12 AIDS (Disease) 11 Economic aspects 11 Ethnology 10 Description and travel 7 Ethnic relations 7 Manners and customs 7 Political aspects 7 Political violence 7 Rites and ceremonies 7 Social aspects 7 Christianity 6 Colonial influence 6 History and criticism 6 Colonies 5 Cultural Characteristics 5 Economic development 5 Economic policy 5 Education 5 Elections 5 Management 5 Marriage 5 Relations 5 Samburu (African people) 5 Slums 5 Study and teaching 5 Turkana (African people) 5 Commerce 4 Corrupt practices 4 Decolonization 4 Elephants 4 Female genital mutilation 4 HIV infections 4 International cooperation 4 Lion 4 Love 4 Political activity 4 Religious aspects 4 Sex 4 Sex role 4 Water 4 AIDS (Disease) in women 3 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 3 Arranged marriage 3 Birds 3 Business enterprises 3 Children 3 Citizenship 3 Conflict management 3 Country life 3 Domestic animals 3 Environmental aspects 3 Ethnic conflict 3 HIV Infections 3 Health and hygiene 3 Human rights 3 Indigenous peoples 3 Infrastructure (Economics) 3 Intellectual life 3 Islam 3 Kenyans 3 Kinship 3 Luo (Kenyan and Tanzanian people) 3 Marketing 3 Marriage customs and rites 3 Nationalism 3 Nomads 3 Political parties 3 Prevention 3 Racism 3 Sexual Behavior 3 Sexual behavior 3 Sexual ethics 3 Social change 3 Transportation 3 Women's Health 3 Activity programs 2 African literature 2 Age groups 2 Attitudes 2 Beer 2 Beer industry 2 Behavior 2 Boundaries 2 Businesswomen 2 Cattle herders 2 Church history 2 Circumcision 2 Civil rights 2 Coming of age 2 Communication and culture 2 Constitutional history 2 Constitutional law 2