History 118
Politics and government 25
Social life and customs 24
Social conditions 18
African Americans 16
Authors, American 13
Race relations 11
Chemical weapons disposal 9
Intellectual life 9
Frontier and pioneer life 8
In literature 8
Slavery 8
Ghosts 7
Mountain life 7
Haunted places 6
History, Military 6
Cooking 5
Education 5
Enslaved persons 5
Governors 5
History and criticism 5
Law and legislation 5
Murder 5
Social aspects 5
Tales 5
Women 5
Antislavery movements 4
Campaigns 4
Civil rights 4
Cooking, American 4
Economic conditions 4
Folklore 4
Generals 4
Homes and haunts 4
Indians of North America 4
Medicine 4
Pioneers 4
Political culture 4
Vendetta 4
American literature 3
Antiquities 3
Architecture, Domestic 3
Bourbon whiskey 3
Church history 3
Civil rights movements 3
Coal mines and mining 3
College sports 3
Country life 3
Country music 3
Educators 3
Elections 3
Family 3
Folk music 3
Hatfield-McCoy Feud 3
Horse racing 3
Judges 3
Legal status, laws, etc 3
Legislators 3
Philosophy 3
Physicians 3
Presidents 3
Prisons 3
Secession 3
Trees 3
Vernacular architecture 3
Water-supply 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
Abolitionists 2
African American soldiers 2
American newspapers 2
Appalachians (People) 2
Authorship 2
Baptists 2
Barns 2
Basketball 2
Bluegrass music 2
Breeding 2
Caves 2
Chemical agents (Munitions) 2
Childhood and youth 2
Christianity 2
City and town life 2
Coal miners 2
Collective memory 2
County government 2
Criticism and interpretation 2
Depressions 2
Description and travel 2
Design and construction 2
Distilleries 2
Economic aspects 2
Education and state 2
Education, Higher 2
Engineering design 2
Evaluation 2
Families 2
Farm life 2
Fugitive slaves 2
Ghost stories, American 2
Health aspects 2