History 491 Social conditions 213 Politics and government 193 Economic conditions 132 Social aspects 119 Social life and customs 106 Women 99 Foreign relations 88 History and criticism 82 Political aspects 61 Religious aspects 61 Economic policy 60 Hinduism 60 Economic aspects 58 Civilization 55 Relations 51 Caste 50 Nationalism 50 Religion 48 Dance 45 Economic development 43 Motion pictures 43 Description and travel 42 Government policy 41 Foreign economic relations 36 Religious life and customs 36 Muslims 34 Rites and ceremonies 34 Buddhism 33 Education 33 Political activity 31 Commerce 30 Study and teaching 30 Dalits 29 East Indians 27 In literature 27 Management 27 Ethnic relations 26 Feature films 26 Feminism 26 Islam 26 Music 26 Colonies 24 Emigration and immigration 23 Families 23 Gender identity 23 Motion picture industry 23 Philosophy 23 Ethnology 21 Globalization 21 Law and legislation 21 Poverty 21 Democracy 20 Finance 20 Social change 20 Environmental aspects 19 Political and social views 19 Postcolonialism 19 Agriculture 18 Historiography 18 Statesmen 18 Sustainable development 18 Employment 17 Legal status, laws, etc 17 Antiquities 16 Hindus 16 Influence 16 Marriage 16 Prevention 16 Rural development 16 Bharata natyam 15 British 15 International cooperation 15 Travel 15 English language 14 English literature 14 Indic literature 14 Indic literature (English) 14 Kings and rulers 14 Muslim women 14 National security 14 Religious life 14 Theater 14 Water-supply 14 Women's rights 14 history 14 Festivals 13 Group identity 13 Man-woman relationships 13 Moral and ethical aspects 13 Children 12 Employees 12 Environmental conditions 12 Folk music 12 Health and hygiene 12 Imperialism in literature 12 Mass media 12 Medical care 12 Medicine 12 Poor 12