History 3,836 Study and teaching 953 History and criticism 910 Politics and government 709 Education 452 English literature 444 Colonies 366 Foreign relations 313 Social conditions 296 Science 289 Teaching 287 Social aspects 271 English language 266 Study and teaching (Secondary) 259 Teachers 251 Study and teaching (Primary) 240 Mathematics 216 Activity programs 213 Training of 205 English fiction 196 Women 195 Law and legislation 186 Kings and rulers 179 Civilization 169 Intellectual life 166 Educational tests and measurements 165 World War, 1939-1945 163 Criticism and interpretation 160 Educational technology 154 Economic conditions 142 Romanticism 139 Social life and customs 136 Career development 134 Aids and devices 133 Literature and society 133 Curricula 131 Women and literature 130 Music 128 Political aspects 128 World War, 1914-1918 128 Special education 124 Children 117 Government policy 116 Methods 111 Relations 111 Influence 107 Historiography 106 Literacy 105 Women authors 105 Politics and literature 104 Students 100 Imperialism 98 Services for 98 Educational leadership 96 Public opinion 94 British 93 Education, Secondary 93 Religion 93 Administration 92 Early childhood education 91 Performance 90 Political and social views 86 Popular music 86 Written English 86 history 86 English poetry 83 Parent participation 83 Authors, English 82 First year teachers 81 Rating of 81 Technology 80 Schools 79 Classroom management 78 In literature 77 Philosophy 77 Rock music 77 Teachers' assistants 76 Emigration and immigration 75 Geography 74 Prime ministers 73 Education and state 72 Education, Primary 72 Inclusive education 72 Medical care 72 Prevention 72 Church history 71 Study and teaching (Elementary) 71 Modernism (Literature) 70 Race relations 70 Economic aspects 69 History, Military 69 Legal status, laws, etc 69 Management 69 Monarchy 69 Conduct of life 67 Finance 67 Foreign speakers 67 Research 67 Books and reading 66 Citizenship 66