History 131
Indians of North America 34
Social conditions 27
Politics and government 25
Antiquities 23
African Americans 21
Race relations 21
Excavations (Archaeology) 15
Description and travel 14
Civil rights 12
Social life and customs 12
History and criticism 11
Seminole Indians 11
Social aspects 11
Cuban Americans 10
Environmental conditions 9
Ethnic relations 9
Travel 9
Economic conditions 8
Immigrants 7
Research 7
Restoration ecology 7
Cubans 6
Discovery and exploration 6
First contact with other peoples 6
Foreign relations 6
Management 6
Natural history 6
Political activity 6
Political aspects 6
Presidents 6
Religion 6
Spaniards 6
Wetland restoration 6
Election 5
Emigration and immigration 5
Enslaved persons 5
Hispanic Americans 5
Hurricanes 5
Missions, Spanish 5
Prisoners of war 5
Water quality management 5
Water-supply 5
American literature 4
Aquifer storage recovery 4
BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill, 2010 4
Campaigns 4
Civil rights movements 4
Coastal ecology 4
Ecosystem management 4
Fortification 4
Frontier and pioneer life 4
Government policy 4
Historic sites 4
Law and legislation 4
Legislators 4
Missions 4
Murder 4
Natural disasters 4
Plantation life 4
Police 4
Racism 4
Slavery 4
Spanish 4
Teachers 4
Tourism 4
Wetland management 4
Abuse of 3
Amusement parks 3
Archaeological expeditions 3
Authors, American 3
Childhood and youth 3
City planning 3
Colonies 3
Colonists 3
Disaster relief 3
Education 3
Ethnic identity 3
Ethnoarchaeology 3
French 3
Friendships 3
Geology 3
Government relations 3
Governors 3
Homicide investigation 3
Human ecology 3
Hurricane Irma, 2017 3
Hurricane damage 3
Hydrology 3
Indian prisoners 3
Investigation 3
Kiowa art 3
Land settlement 3
Latin Americans 3
Minorities 3
Music 3
Oil pollution of the sea 3
Political culture 3
Population 3
Relocation 3