History 60 Foreign relations 57 Economic conditions 54 Politics and government 40 Economic policy 36 Foreign economic relations 32 Economic aspects 27 Social aspects 25 Economic integration 22 Relations 21 Regionalism 17 Globalization 16 Financial crises 15 Civilization 14 Finance 14 Economic development 13 Commerce 12 Political aspects 12 Security, International 12 National security 10 Social conditions 10 Strategic aspects 10 Democracy 9 Financial institutions 9 Government policy 9 Social change 9 Education 8 History and criticism 8 International relations 8 Nationalism 8 Capitalism 7 Commercial policy 7 Emigration and immigration 7 Industrial policy 7 Social life and customs 7 Social policy 7 Technological innovations 7 Democratization 6 Foreign exchange rates 6 Intellectual life 6 International cooperation 6 Investments, Foreign 6 Missions 6 Monetary policy 6 Antiquities 5 Cities and towns 5 Climatic changes 5 Collective memory 5 Description and travel 5 East and West 5 Ethnology 5 Human rights 5 Industrialization 5 International business enterprises 5 Languages 5 Law of the sea 5 Public welfare 5 World War, 1939-1945 5 Balance of power 4 Chinese 4 Church history 4 Competition, International 4 Corporate governance 4 Economics 4 Education and state 4 Free trade 4 Korean reunification question (1945- ) 4 Law 4 Management 4 Mass media 4 Military policy 4 Motion pictures 4 National characteristics, East Asian 4 Nuclear nonproliferation 4 Popular culture 4 Public opinion 4 Study and teaching 4 Urbanization 4 Welfare state 4 Women 4 Business networks 3 Campaigns 3 Capital movements 3 City and town life 3 Colonies 3 Conflict management 3 Culture diffusion 3 East Asian cooperation 3 East Asians 3 Economic history 3 Education, Higher 3 Electronic industries 3 Energy policy 3 English language 3 Excavations (Archaeology) 3 Gender identity 3 Geopolitics 3 Growth 3 Health aspects 3 Hegemony 3