History 117 Politics and government 32 Social conditions 27 Jews 19 Social aspects 18 History and criticism 17 Political aspects 15 Economic conditions 14 Ethnic relations 12 Antiquities 10 Excavations (Archaeology) 10 Social life and customs 10 Post-communism 9 World War, 1939-1945 9 Czech language 8 Nationalism 8 Civilization 7 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 7 Intellectual life 7 Women 7 Church history 6 Foreign relations 6 Germans 6 Motion pictures 6 Law 5 Older people 5 Relations 5 Romanies 5 Children 4 Collective memory 4 Description and travel 4 Economic aspects 4 Environmental aspects 4 Influence 4 Land tenure 4 Mass media 4 Music 4 Sex role 4 Social change 4 Study and teaching 4 Theater 4 Aging 3 Agriculture 3 Books and reading 3 Church buildings 3 City planning 3 Civil rights 3 Civilization, Modern 3 Clergy 3 College students 3 Composers 3 Criticism and interpretation 3 Czech literature 3 Democratization 3 Economic integration 3 Economic policy 3 Education 3 Emigration and immigration 3 Energy policy 3 German language 3 Government policy 3 Historians 3 Human remains (Archaeology) 3 Hussites 3 Journalism 3 Language 3 Law and legislation 3 Linguists 3 Mathematics 3 Minorities 3 Philologists 3 Philosophy 3 Political parties 3 Popular culture 3 Religion 3 Religious life and customs 3 Research 3 Study and teaching (Higher) 3 Theologians 3 Translations into Czech 3 Trials, litigation, etc 3 Universities and colleges 3 Agriculture and state 2 Antisemitism 2 Appreciation 2 Archaeology 2 Archaeology, Medieval 2 Architecture, Medieval 2 Art museums 2 Asianists 2 Atrocities 2 Banks and banking 2 Business enterprises 2 Censorship 2 Child welfare 2 Choreographers 2 Civil society 2 Community development 2 Constitutional history 2 Constitutional law 2