History 223 Politics and government 75 Foreign relations 59 Social conditions 53 History and criticism 38 Black people 35 Political aspects 29 Economic conditions 27 Race relations 27 Cubans 23 Music 23 Social life and customs 20 Relations 19 Slavery 19 Emigration and immigration 17 Civilization 16 Prisoners of war 16 Social aspects 16 Description and travel 15 Cuban literature 13 Detention of persons 13 Travel 12 War on Terrorism, 2001-2009 12 Economic policy 11 Legal status, laws, etc 11 Cuban Americans 10 Spanish-American War, 1898 10 Women 10 Communism 9 Government policy 9 Socialism 9 Ethnic identity 8 Foreign economic relations 8 Human rights 8 Immigrants 8 Popular music 8 Refugees 8 African influences 7 Commerce 7 In literature 7 Motion pictures 7 National characteristics, Cuban 7 Race identity 7 Revolutionaries 7 Americans 6 Chinese 6 Enslaved persons 6 Ethnic relations 6 Heads of state 6 Medical care 6 Public opinion 6 Racism 6 Religion 6 Tourism 6 African Americans 5 Antiquities 5 Baseball 5 Campaigns 5 Combatants and noncombatants (International law) 5 Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 5 Detention of unlawful combatants 5 Economic aspects 5 Excavations (Archaeology) 5 Homosexuality 5 Influence 5 International relations 5 Political prisoners 5 Popular culture 5 Women's rights 5 Ballet 4 Black people in literature 4 Dance 4 Economic sanctions, American 4 Education 4 Embargo 4 Equality 4 International cooperation 4 Jews 4 Mariel Boatlift, 1980 4 Political activity 4 Political and social views 4 Political culture 4 Presidents 4 Prisoners and prisons 4 Slave trade 4 Social change 4 Social policy 4 Study and teaching 4 Terrorism 4 African diaspora 3 Afro-Caribbean cults 3 Agriculture and state 3 Antislavery movements 3 Arts, Cuban 3 Attitudes 3 Baseball players 3 Bird refuges 3 Church music 3 Cold War 3 Collective memory 3