History 108 Indians of North America 32 Description and travel 26 Politics and government 18 Tourism 15 Indigenous peoples 14 Social aspects 14 Social conditions 12 Emigration and immigration 11 Race relations 11 Paleontology 10 Government relations 9 Haida Indians 9 Japanese 9 Social life and customs 9 Chinese 8 Forests and forestry 8 Frontier and pioneer life 8 Government policy 8 Immigrants 8 Economic conditions 7 Forest management 7 Fossils 7 Indians 7 Missions 7 Religion 7 Antiquities 6 Collection and preservation 6 Discovery and exploration 6 Ethnic identity 6 Ethnic relations 6 Forest policy 6 Political aspects 6 Tsimshian Indians 6 Women 6 British 5 Dinosaurs 5 Ecotourism 5 Environmental aspects 5 Law and legislation 5 Police 5 Wildlife conservation 5 Birds 4 Civil rights 4 Claims 4 Education 4 Employees 4 Employment 4 Environmental policy 4 Historiography 4 Land tenure 4 Legal status, laws, etc 4 Logging 4 Political parties 4 Shuswap Indians 4 Sustainable development 4 Travel 4 Children 3 City planning 3 Crime 3 Economic aspects 3 Fishing 3 Food 3 Grizzly bear 3 Human ecology 3 Indian art 3 Indian cooking 3 Labor unions 3 Languages 3 Lillooet Indians 3 Lillooet language 3 Missionaries 3 Motion pictures 3 Potlatch 3 Racism 3 Salmon fisheries 3 Sustainable forestry 3 Academic achievement 2 Agriculture 2 Architects 2 Authors, Canadian 2 Biography 2 Boundaries 2 Carrier Indians 2 Citizen participation 2 Clearcutting 2 Coal miners 2 Coal mines and mining 2 Colonization 2 Community leadership 2 Conservation 2 Design and construction 2 Discrimination in employment 2 Drinking of alcoholic beverages 2 Effect of human beings on 2 English language 2 Environmental conditions 2 Ethnohistory 2 Ethnology 2 Families 2