History 201
Social life and customs 116
Politics and government 90
Social conditions 89
Economic conditions 65
Social aspects 56
Brazilians 52
Indians of South America 49
Black people 47
Race relations 41
Nambicuara Indians 32
Civilization 28
History and criticism 28
Economic policy 27
Foreign relations 25
Indigenous peoples 24
Political aspects 24
Political activity 21
Slavery 19
Rites and ceremonies 18
Ethnic identity 17
Race identity 17
Religion 17
Religious life and customs 17
African influences 16
Economic aspects 16
Music 16
Sustainability 15
Women 15
Slums 14
Deforestation 13
Democracy 13
Description and travel 13
Political participation 13
Relations 13
Social movements 13
Capoeira (Dance) 12
Government policy 12
Emigration and immigration 11
Environmental aspects 11
Families 11
Popular music 11
Public health 11
Violence 11
Brazilian literature 10
Economic development 10
Education 10
Environmental policy 10
Land tenure 10
Management 10
Slave trade 10
Soccer 10
Women, Black 10
Buildings, structures, etc 9
Ethnic relations 9
Ethnomusicology 9
Immigrants 9
Portuguese language 9
Poverty 9
Racism 9
Religious aspects 9
Sustainable forestry 9
Agriculture 8
Business etiquette 8
Candomblé (Religion) 8
Indigenous women 8
Motion pictures 8
National characteristics, Brazilian 8
Presidents 8
Rain forests 8
Church history 7
Environmental sciences 7
Ethnicity 7
Folklore 7
Foreign economic relations 7
Globalization 7
Indians of North America 7
Medical care 7
Philosophy 7
Yanomamo Indians 7
Catholic Church 6
Cayapo Indians 6
Econometric models 6
Elections 6
Elite (Social sciences) 6
Environmental conditions 6
Ethnology 6
Finance 6
Government relations 6
Law and legislation 6
Martial arts 6
Poor 6
Sexual minorities 6
Social policy 6
Sustainable development 6
Traditional medicine 6
African diaspora 5
Africans 5
Attitudes 5
Business enterprises 5