History 150 Social conditions 48 African Americans 27 Race relations 21 Politics and government 19 Social aspects 16 Emmanuel College 15 Universities and colleges 15 Economic conditions 13 Ethnic relations 11 Irish Americans 11 Church history 10 Social life and customs 10 Buildings, structures, etc 9 Urban renewal 9 Women 9 Architecture 8 Busing for school integration 8 City planning 8 Intellectual life 8 Poor 8 School integration 8 Education 7 Emigration and immigration 7 Gender identity 7 History and criticism 7 Jews 7 Art 6 Immigrants 6 Law and legislation 6 American literature 5 Authors, American 5 Baseball 5 Bombings 5 Boston Marathon Bombing, Boston, Mass., 2013 5 Community life 5 Education, Urban 5 Hispanic Americans 5 Mayors 5 Music 5 Organized crime 5 Political activity 5 Political aspects 5 Poverty 5 Restaurants 5 Segregation in education 5 Slavery 5 American poetry 4 Childhood and youth 4 Employment 4 Enslaved persons 4 Gangsters 4 Investigation 4 Painting 4 Police 4 Private investigators 4 Public housing 4 Schools 4 Segregation 4 Social change 4 Terrorism 4 Working class 4 Antislavery movements 3 Art thefts 3 Art, American 3 Asian Americans 3 Catholics 3 Church architecture 3 Civil rights 3 Civilization 3 Clergy 3 Collectors and collecting 3 Description and travel 3 Design and construction 3 Female offenders 3 Finance 3 Food habits 3 Fugitive slaves 3 Gennaro, Angela (Fictitious character) 3 Historic buildings 3 Homes and haunts 3 Housing 3 Irish American families 3 Italian Americans 3 Kenzie, Patrick (Fictitious character) 3 Labor movement 3 Latin Americans 3 Lawyers 3 Marathon running 3 Murder 3 Painters 3 Painting, American 3 Political participation 3 Puerto Ricans 3 Religious life and customs 3 School improvement programs 3 Social classes 3 Urban ecology (Sociology) 3 White people 3 Women artists 3