History 119
Politics and government 52
Social conditions 41
Economic conditions 26
Social aspects 26
Jews 17
Social life and customs 16
History and criticism 15
Disappeared persons 14
Emigration and immigration 14
Foreign relations 14
Human rights 14
Political aspects 14
Tangos 13
Description and travel 12
Economic policy 11
Ethnic relations 10
Indians of South America 10
Women 10
Falkland Islands War, 1982 9
State-sponsored terrorism 9
Economic aspects 8
Occupations 8
Political activity 8
Political violence 8
Poor 8
Popular music 8
Professions 8
Agriculture 7
Argentine literature 7
Identity 7
Peronism 7
Protest movements 7
Terrorism 7
Antiquities 6
Excavations (Archaeology) 6
Immigrants 6
Influence 6
Intellectual life 6
Motion pictures 6
Poverty 6
Social movements 6
Tango (Dance) 6
Democracy 5
Government policy 5
Political culture 5
Political prisoners 5
Presidents 5
Relations 5
Songs (Low voice) with instrumental ensemble 5
Authors, Argentine 4
Civilization 4
Criticism and interpretation 4
Ethnic identity 4
Labor unions 4
Music 4
Nationalism 4
Political participation 4
Political persecution 4
Presidents' spouses 4
Spanish language 4
Trials (Crimes against humanity) 4
Working class 4
World War, 1939-1945 4
Youth 4
Art, Argentine 3
Artists 3
Atrocities 3
Civil rights 3
Composers 3
Consumption (Economics) 3
Dance 3
Emigration and Immigration 3
Evolution (Biology) 3
Family farms 3
Feminism 3
Gauchos 3
History, 20th Century 3
In literature 3
In motion pictures 3
Italians 3
Law and legislation 3
Man-woman relationships 3
Mapuche Indians 3
Moral and ethical aspects 3
Murder 3
National characteristics, Argentine 3
Neoliberalism 3
Philosophy 3
Psychology 3
Rhetoric 3
Science 3
Soccer 3
Social policy 3
Victims of state-sponsored terrorism 3
history 3
Africans 2
Antisemitism 2
Arabs 2
Archaeology 2