Social life and customs 122 Hunting 96 Wilderness areas 94 Rural families 92 Self-reliant living 92 Survivalism 92 History 65 Fishing 26 Description and travel 24 Trapping 22 Environmental aspects 19 Eskimos 15 Climatic changes 14 Frontier and pioneer life 14 Dogsledding 13 Social conditions 13 Indians of North America 11 Winter 11 Alaska Natives 10 Environmental conditions 10 Ice fishing 9 Oil spills 9 Politics and government 9 Tlingit Indians 9 Petroleum industry and trade 8 Summer 8 Yupik Eskimos 8 Bears 7 Inuit 7 Natural history 7 Petroleum 7 Climate change mitigation 6 Economic conditions 6 Gold discoveries 6 Indigenous peoples 6 Research 6 Russians 6 Travel 6 World War, 1939-1945 6 Animals 5 Effect of human beings on 5 Ethnic identity 5 Fisheries 5 Inupiat 5 Nature 5 Tankers 5 Accidents 4 Aleuts 4 Brown bear 4 Civil rights 4 Ecology 4 Education 4 Environmental protection 4 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Alaska, 1989 4 Glaciers 4 Gold mines and mining 4 Missionaries 4 Missions 4 Salmon fishing 4 American poetry 3 Antiquities 3 Artists 3 Attu, Battle of, Alaska, 1943 3 Behavior 3 Community life 3 Conservation of natural resources 3 Discovery and exploration 3 Energy policy 3 Fishers 3 Global warming 3 Gold miners 3 Government policy 3 Government relations 3 Grizzly bear 3 Land tenure 3 Languages 3 Mammals 3 Oil well drilling 3 Paleontology 3 Pioneers 3 Political aspects 3 Presidents 3 Prospecting 3 Psychological aspects 3 Race relations 3 Religion 3 Salmon industry 3 Spring 3 Tourism 3 Wildlife conservation 3 Women pioneers 3 African Americans 2 American literature 2 Athapascan Indians 2 Berries 2 Biologists 2 Blizzards 2 Businesswomen 2 Campaigns 2 Cleanup 2