History 99 Social conditions 47 Politics and government 36 Social life and customs 32 History and criticism 31 Social aspects 27 Economic conditions 25 Teachers' workshops 22 Teachers 20 Literature 19 Women 19 African Americans 18 Professional education 18 Training of 18 Celebrities 17 Genealogy 17 Children 16 Earth sciences 16 Geology 16 Physical geology 16 Civil rights 15 Man-woman relationships 15 Psychological aspects 15 Education 14 Music 14 World War, 1939-1945 14 Geomorphology 13 Group reading 13 Democracy 12 Geology, Structural 12 Jews 12 Political aspects 12 Emigration and immigration 11 Family relationships 11 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 11 Language arts (Secondary) 11 Political science 11 Race relations 11 Study and teaching 11 Study and teaching (Elementary) 11 Criticism and interpretation 10 Moral and ethical aspects 10 Research 10 Environmental aspects 9 Law and legislation 9 Marriage 9 Patients 9 Rehabilitation 9 Religious aspects 9 Economic aspects 8 Families 8 Government policy 8 Murder 8 World music 8 Artists 7 Attitudes 7 Cultural assimilation 7 Indians of North America 7 Islam 7 Language arts (Elementary) 7 Medical care 7 Plate tectonics 7 Racism 7 Reading (Secondary) 7 Youth 7 AIDS (Disease) 6 American poetry 6 Books and reading 6 Brain 6 Climatic changes 6 Corrupt practices 6 Description and travel 6 Documentary films 6 Environmental protection 6 Family members 6 Girls 6 Presidents 6 Prevention 6 Study and teaching (Secondary) 6 Anthropology 5 Art 5 Capital punishment 5 Courtship 5 Crimes against 5 Ethnic relations 5 Fathers 5 Global warming 5 History, Military 5 Holocaust survivors 5 Legal status, laws, etc 5 Mental illness 5 Mothers and daughters 5 Music appreciation 5 Older people 5 Philosophy 5 Poetry 5 Prisoners 5 Psychology 5 Science 5 Sex role 5