History and criticism 53
Social life and customs 43
Sermons, Latin 34
History 32
Chinese poetry 30
French fiction 25
Women authors 22
Translations into English 21
Criticism and interpretation 20
Epic poetry, Greek 18
Speeches, addresses, etc., Greek 17
French poetry 16
French literature 15
Politics and government 14
Arabic fiction 13
Chinese literature 12
Japanese poetry 12
Romances 12
Arabic literature 11
English poetry 11
German poetry 11
Russian poetry 11
Arabic poetry 10
Women 10
Arthurian romances 9
Epic poetry, Latin 9
Mythology, Greek 9
Chinese drama 8
English literature 8
Jews 8
Trojan War 8
Greek poetry 7
Haiku 7
Literature 7
Poetry 7
Russian literature 7
Short stories, Arabic 7
Short stories, Chinese 7
Short stories, French 7
Ukrainian poetry 7
German fiction 6
Italian poetry 6
Judaism 6
Legends 6
Love poetry, Latin 6
Man-woman relationships 6
Sermons 6
Sermons, German 6
Sermons, Greek 6
Spanish poetry 6
Buddhism 5
Chinese fiction 5
Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern) 5
Criticism, interpretation, etc 5
French drama 5
French essays 5
German drama 5
Greek poetry, Modern 5
Hispanic American literature (Spanish) 5
Latin poetry, Medieval and modern 5
Norwegian drama 5
Philosophy 5
Russian drama 5
Sagas 5
Sermons, Early Christian 5
Short stories, German 5
Sufi poetry, Persian 5
Tales 5
Translating and interpreting 5
Verse satire, Latin 5
Versions 5
American literature 4
Antiquities 4
Egyptian literature 4
Elegiac poetry, Latin 4
Epigrams, Latin 4
Folklore 4
In literature 4
Intellectual life 4
Irish authors 4
Irish poetry 4
Jewish authors 4
Knights and knighthood 4
Latin poetry 4
Laudatory poetry, Latin 4
Oriental literature 4
Poetry, Modern 4
Polish poetry 4
Portuguese poetry 4
Religion 4
Renaissance 4
Russian fiction 4
Seven against Thebes (Greek mythology) 4
Short stories, Italian 4
Spiritual life 4
Agriculture 3
American poetry 3
Austrian fiction 3
Biblioteca apostolica vaticana 3
Buddhist literature 3