Social life and customs 130 Hunting 92 Rural families 92 Self-reliant living 92 Survivalism 92 Wilderness areas 92 Music 81 Performance 75 Popular music 73 Rock music 73 History 58 Dance music 43 Rhythm and blues music 43 Inuit 27 Fishing 24 Trapping 22 African Americans 17 Life change events 15 Race relations 15 Veterinarians 14 Veterinary medicine 14 Civil rights 13 Dogsledding 13 Civil rights movements 12 Families 12 Civil rights demonstrations 11 Families on television 11 Family life education 11 Winter 11 Gastronomy 10 Suffrage 10 Brothels 9 Ice fishing 9 Politics and government 9 Prostitutes 9 Prostitution 9 Aboriginal Australians 8 Cooking 8 Frontier and pioneer life 8 Indigenous peoples 8 Man-woman relationships 8 Social conditions 8 Summer 8 Civilization 7 Climatic changes 6 Entrepreneurship 6 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 6 Segregation 6 Commerce 5 Emigration and immigration 5 Human behavior 5 Indians of North America 5 National parks and reserves 5 Political plays 5 Automobile drivers with disabilities 4 Cooking (Fish) 4 Emotions 4 Ethnology 4 Government policy 4 Moral and ethical aspects 4 Nature conservation 4 Operas 4 Social aspects 4 Songs with piano 4 Television programs 4 Veterinary Medicine 4 Ballets 3 Behavior 3 Cities and towns 3 Description and travel 3 Discovery and exploration 3 Education 3 Environmental aspects 3 Ethnic identity 3 Foreign relations 3 Global warming 3 Health aspects 3 Hispanic Americans 3 Immigrants 3 Patients 3 Physiological aspects 3 Plastics 3 Polar bear 3 Police 3 Psychology 3 Sealing 3 Service dogs 3 Sociological aspects 3 Songs (High voice) with piano 3 Spring 3 Surgery 3 Technological innovations 3 Technology 3 Television broadcasting 3 Television series 3 Women 3 Antiquities 2 Archaeology 2 Architects 2 Architecture 2