Social life and customs 186 History 137 Man-woman relationships 104 Orphans 80 Young women 67 Social conditions 34 Families 33 Sisters 29 Murder 27 Social classes 25 Investigation 24 Fathers and daughters 22 World War, 1939-1945 21 Revenge 20 Politics and government 19 Benefactors 17 Actions and defenses 16 Poor 16 Teachers 16 Boarding schools 15 Civilization 15 Description and travel 15 Ex-convicts 15 Economic conditions 14 Female friendship 14 Gay men 14 Inheritance and succession 13 Manners and customs 13 Married people 13 School principals 13 Businesspeople 12 Conduct of life 12 March family (Fictitious characters) 12 Men 12 Societies and clubs 12 Triangles (Interpersonal relations) 12 Design and construction 11 Pickpockets 11 Surgery 11 Aristocracy (Social class) 10 Dysfunctional families 10 Family-owned business enterprises 10 Jews 10 Social aspects 10 Spouses 10 Women 10 Adultery 9 African Americans 9 Cultural Characteristics 9 Education 9 History, Military 9 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 9 Young men 9 Avarice 8 Books and reading 8 Children of prisoners 8 Compulsive gamblers 8 Country life 8 Criminal justice, Administration of 8 Debt, Imprisonment for 8 Gay community 8 Gay people 8 Governesses 8 Grandparent and child 8 Male homosexuality 8 Poor children 8 Prisoners 8 Spies 8 Best books 7 Bovary, Emma (Fictitious character) 7 City and town life 7 Cousins 7 Frontier and pioneer life 7 Gardens 7 Industrial revolution 7 Middle class 7 Rich people 7 Secret service 7 Widows 7 Women farmers 7 World War, 1914-1918 7 Adoptees 6 Artists 6 Borrowers (Fictitious characters) 6 Brothers 6 Cattle 6 Cold War 6 Commerce 6 Courtship 6 Cowboys 6 Defectors 6 Drovers 6 Economic history 6 Environmental policy 6 Fairy plays 6 Fantasy 6 Farmers 6 Fire departments 6 Fire fighters 6 Fire management 6