History 1,100
Politics and government 153
Social conditions 68
Women 67
History and criticism 64
African Americans 59
Church history 55
Social life and customs 52
Foreign relations 41
Race relations 41
Slavery 39
Civil rights 38
Historiography 38
Antiquities 33
Social aspects 33
Kings and rulers 29
Law 29
Ethnic relations 28
Civilization 26
Sources 26
Constitutional history 25
Gender identity 25
Discovery and exploration 24
Intellectual life 24
World War, 1939-1945 23
Jews 22
Philosophy 22
Political aspects 21
Indians of North America 18
Civil rights movements 17
Description and travel 17
Emigration and immigration 17
Feminism 17
Political and social views 17
Enslaved persons 16
Biography 15
Commerce 15
Presidents 15
Relations 15
Education 14
Government relations 14
Reformation 14
Religion 14
Social movements 14
Women's rights 14
history 14
English literature 13
Indigenous peoples 13
Akkadian language 12
Criticism and interpretation 12
Crusades 12
Frontier and pioneer life 12
Law and legislation 12
Roman law 12
Antislavery movements 11
Christianity 11
Economic conditions 11
History, Military 11
Legal status, laws, etc 11
Speeches, addresses, etc., American 11
Colonies 10
Human rights 10
Immigrants 10
Public opinion 10
Travel 10
Women's movement 10
American literature 9
In literature 9
Nationalism 9
Political science 9
Religious aspects 9
Social change 9
Study and teaching 9
Women authors 9
Campaigns 8
Cuneiform inscriptions, Akkadian 8
Doctrines 8
Generals 8
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 8
Influence 8
Methodology 8
Religious life and customs 8
Autobiography 7
British 7
Church and state 7
Communism 7
Criticism, interpretation, etc 7
Friends and associates 7
History of doctrines 7
Inscriptions, Greek 7
Law, Medieval 7
Mexican Americans 7
Monasticism and religious orders 7
Political activity 7
Political culture 7
Renaissance 7
Spanish 7
Suffrage 7
World War, 1914-1918 7
Armed Forces 6