Motion pictures 64 Experimental films 62 Man-woman relationships 36 History 17 Silent films 17 In motion pictures 16 Surrealism in motion pictures 14 Tramps 14 Triangles (Interpersonal relations) 14 Design and construction 13 Motion picture actors and actresses 13 Automobiles 11 Adultery 5 Love 5 Marriage 5 Airplanes 4 Coal mines and mining 4 Fishing 4 Mountaineering 4 Parades 4 Police 4 Ships 4 Short films 4 Social life and customs 4 Animals 3 Boxing 3 Dance in motion pictures, television, etc 3 Escapes 3 Factories 3 Gambling 3 Inheritance and succession 3 Jealousy 3 National parks and reserves 3 Production and direction 3 Social conditions 3 Spanish-American War, 1898 3 Theft 3 Thieves 3 Weddings 3 Assembly-line methods 2 Assistance in emergencies 2 Astronomers 2 Automobile factories 2 Baseball 2 Campaigns 2 Dreams 2 Effect of environment on 2 Employees 2 Eskimos 2 False imprisonment 2 Farmers 2 Harvesting 2 Heiresses 2 Historic sites 2 Human beings 2 Indians of North America 2 Inuit 2 Kidnapping 2 Kings and rulers 2 Military camps 2 Models 2 Motion picture industry 2 Motor vehicles, Amphibious 2 Motorboat racing 2 Motorsports 2 Naval ceremonies, honors, and salutes 2 Nightmares in motion pictures 2 Outdoor recreation 2 Public safety 2 Radio control 2 Railroads 2 Ranches 2 Reclamation of land 2 Robbery 2 Safety measures 2 School children 2 Strikes and lockouts 2 Stunt performers 2 Sugarcane 2 Suicidal behavior 2 Suicide 2 Taxicab drivers 2 Training 2 Transportation 2 Visits of state 2 Women runners 2 3-D video (Three-dimensional imaging) 1 Abduction 1 Adopted children 1 Adoptive parents 1 Aerialists 1 Aeronautics 1 Affray 1 African American soldiers 1 African American troops 1 African Americans 1 Agricultural exhibitions 1 Airplane factories 1 Airplanes, Military 1 All Souls' Day 1