American poetry 290 Poetry 92 English poetry 45 History and criticism 41 History 38 Women 34 African Americans 31 Poetry as Topic 31 Nature 30 New Zealand poetry 29 Women authors 29 African American authors 27 Criticism and interpretation 20 Poetry, Modern 19 Epic poetry, Greek 18 Australian poetry 16 Cameroonian poetry (English) 16 American literature 14 Gender identity 14 History of Biblical events 13 Indigenous peoples 13 Trojan War 13 Canadian poetry 12 Social life and customs 12 Epic poetry, Latin 11 Grief 11 Poets, American 10 World War, 1914-1918 10 African poetry (English) 9 Black people 9 Death 9 Indians of North America 9 Race relations 9 Families 8 French poetry 8 Human body 8 Immigrants 8 Loss (Psychology) 8 Translations into English 8 Chinese poetry 7 Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages 7 Fall of man 7 Hispanic Americans 7 Philosophy 7 World War, 1939-1945 7 Animals 6 Black authors 6 Christian poetry, English (Middle) 6 Hell 6 In literature 6 Influence 6 Lesbians 6 Literature 6 Slavery 6 Social aspects 6 African American women 5 African poetry 5 Agriculture 5 Arabic poetry 5 Asian American authors 5 Beats (Persons) 5 Country life 5 Dragons 5 Epic poetry, English (Old) 5 Irish poetry 5 Knights and knighthood 5 Life 5 Man-woman relationships 5 Manuscripts, Medieval 5 Memory 5 Prose poems, American 5 Russian poetry 5 Social conditions 5 South African poetry (English) 5 War poetry, English 5 African American poets 4 Arthurian romances 4 Authorship 4 Birds 4 Civilization 4 Conduct of life 4 Description and travel 4 Ecology 4 Elegiac poetry, Latin 4 Fathers and sons 4 Haiku, American 4 Identity (Psychology) 4 Intellectual life 4 Interpersonal relations 4 Latin poetry 4 Laudatory poetry, Latin 4 Legends 4 Literature and the war 4 Medicine in Literature 4 Medicine in literature 4 Mexican Americans 4 Monsters 4 Mothers and daughters 4 Mythology 4 Nursing 4