History 268 Social life and customs 58 Documentary photography 39 Photography, Artistic 37 Photography 36 Social conditions 30 Description and travel 29 African Americans 28 World War, 1939-1945 26 Buildings, structures, etc 22 Natural history 21 Social aspects 20 Photographers 18 Race relations 16 Birds 15 Travel 14 Women 12 Civil rights movements 11 History, Local 11 Interior decoration 11 Plants 11 Wild flowers 11 Architecture 10 Historic buildings 10 History, Military 10 Portrait photography 10 Railroads 10 World War, 1914-1918 10 Civil rights 9 Criticism and interpretation 9 Indigenous peoples 9 Landscape photography 9 Postcards 9 Street photography 9 Gender identity 8 Jews 8 Politics and government 8 Antiquities 7 Art 7 Cities and towns 7 Civilization 7 Design 7 Economic conditions 7 Frontier and pioneer life 7 Geographical distribution 7 Nature photography 7 Repeat photography 7 Landscapes 6 Painting 6 Themes, motives 6 Architectural photography 5 Architecture, Domestic 5 Artists 5 Botany 5 Environmental conditions 5 Fashion 5 Historic sites 5 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 5 Influence 5 Landscape gardening 5 Parks 5 Photography in ethnology 5 Political aspects 5 Psychological aspects 5 Animals 4 Art, American 4 Baseball 4 Buildings 4 Christian art and symbolism 4 City and town life 4 Civilization, Medieval 4 Clothing and dress 4 Country life 4 Dicotyledons 4 Electronic books 4 Gardens 4 Graffiti 4 Homes and haunts 4 Indians of North America 4 Japanese Americans 4 Mammals 4 Painters 4 Photograph collections 4 Photographic criticism 4 Primitivism in art 4 Racism 4 Trees 4 War photography 4 Women photographers 4 Aboriginal Australians 3 African American civil rights workers 3 Agricultural laborers 3 Angiosperms 3 Architectural design 3 Art, Spanish 3 Astronomy 3 Behavior 3 Black people 3 Bridges 3 Campaigns 3