World War, 1939-1945 106
Campaigns 56
History 43
Soldiers 42
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 36
Iraq War, 2003-2011 34
World War, 1914-1918 29
Veterans 21
Afghan War, 2001-2021 20
Officers 20
Regimental histories 18
Aerial operations, American 17
Prisoners of war 13
Armed Forces 11
Journalists 8
Military life 8
History, Military 7
Korean War, 1950-1953 7
Prisoners and prisons, German 7
War correspondents 6
Air pilots, Military 5
Japanese Americans 5
Medical care 5
Participation, African American 5
Social life and customs 5
Tank warfare 5
Artillery operations, American 4
Mexican War, 1846-1848 4
Persian Gulf War, 1991 4
Prisoners and prisons, Japanese 4
Religious aspects 4
Soldiers' writings, American 4
Women 4
Women soldiers 4
African American soldiers 3
Argonne, Battle of the, France, 1918 3
Aviation 3
Casualties 3
Diplomats 3
Fighter pilots 3
Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945 3
Influence 3
Literature and the war 3
Marines 3
Medical personnel 3
Military chaplains 3
Motion pictures and the war 3
Naval operations, American 3
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941 3
Politics and government 3
Press coverage 3
Psychological aspects 3
Refugees 3
Social conditions 3
Travel 3
Aerial operations, British 2
African Americans 2
American literature 2
B-17 bomber 2
Bataan, Battle of, Philippines, 1942 2
Chaplains 2
Civil defense 2
Command of troops 2
Commando operations 2
Commando troops 2
Concentration camps 2
Description and travel 2
Family relationships 2
History and criticism 2
Khe Sanh, 2nd Battle of, Vietnam, 1968 2
Military assistance, American 2
Military engineers 2
Oral history 2
Parachute troops 2
Participation, Mexican American 2
Prisoners and prisons 2
Prisoners and prisons, North Vietnamese 2
Sailors 2
Special forces (Military science) 2
Special operations (Military science) 2
Surgeons 2
Training of 2
War on Terrorism, 2001-2009 2
War work 2
Women volunteers 2
73 Easting, Battle of, Iraq, 1991 1
Aerial operations 1
African American air pilots 1
African American fighter pilots 1
African American troops 1
African American veterans 1
Air pilots 1
Air warfare (International law) 1
Americans 1
An Loc, Battle of, An Lộc, Vietnam, 1972 1
Anti-fascist movements 1
Arab-Israeli conflict 1
Art 1
Artillery, Field and mountain 1
Artillerymen 1