History 388 World War, 1939-1945 151 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 145 Soldiers 97 Jews 81 Campaigns 75 Regimental histories 56 Holocaust survivors 43 Vietnam War, 1961-1975 41 World War, 1914-1918 41 Iraq War, 2003-2011 31 Social conditions 30 Medical care 29 Politics and government 28 Women 27 Afghan War, 2001-2021 26 Patients 26 Atrocities 25 psychology 25 History and criticism 24 Social aspects 23 Physicians 22 Ethnic relations 21 Jewish children in the Holocaust 21 Psychological aspects 21 Prisoners of war 20 Generals 19 Persecutions 18 history 18 Children 17 Aerial operations, American 16 Officers 16 Veterans 15 Historiography 13 Armed Forces 12 Childhood and youth 12 History, Military 12 Prisoners and prisons 12 History, 20th Century 11 Participation, British 11 Psychology 11 Religious aspects 11 Social life and customs 11 Japanese Americans 10 Nurses 10 Participation, African American 10 Physician and patient 10 Prisoners and prisons, German 10 September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 10 Underground movements 10 Family 9 Health 9 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in literature 9 Immigrants 9 Journalists 9 Korean War, 1950-1953 9 Medical personnel 9 Medicine 9 Military life 9 National socialism 9 Physician-Patient Relations 9 Refugees 9 Child 8 Description and travel 8 Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945 8 Influence 8 Patient Care 8 Personal narratives 8 Treatment 8 therapy 8 African Americans 7 Biography 7 Concentration camps 7 Family relationships 7 Gender identity 7 Genocide 7 Hospitals 7 Indians of North America 7 Mexican Americans 7 Crimes against 6 Delivery of Health Care 6 Disabled Persons 6 Intellectual life 6 Mexican War, 1846-1848 6 Moral and ethical aspects 6 Naval operations 6 Oral history 6 Wars 6 Air pilots, Military 5 Asperger Syndrome 5 Asperger's syndrome 5 Attitudes 5 Autistic Disorder 5 Chaplains 5 Chronic Disease 5 Clergy 5 Emigration and immigration 5 Foreign relations 5 Friends and associates 5 General Surgery 5