History 92 World War, 1939-1945 44 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 30 psychology 29 Patients 26 Jews 23 Medical care 21 Soldiers 21 Campaigns 20 Physicians 20 Regimental histories 16 history 16 Social aspects 14 World War, 1914-1918 12 Physician and patient 11 Psychological aspects 11 Children 10 History, 20th Century 10 Psychology 10 Women 10 Health 9 Physician-Patient Relations 9 Child 8 History and criticism 8 Holocaust survivors 8 Jewish children in the Holocaust 8 Medical personnel 8 Medicine 8 Nurses 8 Patient Care 8 Vietnam War, 1961-1975 8 therapy 8 Aerial operations, American 7 Afghan War, 2001-2021 7 Iraq War, 2003-2011 7 Delivery of Health Care 6 Disabled Persons 6 Officers 6 Prisoners of war 6 Social conditions 6 Treatment 6 Adolescent 5 Asperger Syndrome 5 Asperger's syndrome 5 Atrocities 5 Autistic Disorder 5 Chronic Disease 5 Diseases 5 Ethnic relations 5 Family 5 General Surgery 5 Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services 5 Hospice Care 5 Hospice care 5 Hospitals 5 Korean War, 1950-1953 5 Medical personnel and patient 5 Mental health 5 Named Groups 5 Oral history 5 Participation, African American 5 Persons 5 Professional-Patient Relations 5 Psychotherapy 5 Sick 5 Surgery 5 AIDS (Disease) 4 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 4 Armed Forces 4 Biography 4 Cancer 4 Care 4 Childhood and youth 4 Chronic diseases 4 Death 4 Family Relations 4 Family relationships 4 Health Personnel 4 Historiography 4 History, 19th Century 4 Japanese Americans 4 Medical education 4 Nursing 4 People with disabilities 4 Personal narratives, American 4 Public health 4 Research 4 Social life and customs 4 Surgeons 4 Terminal care 4 Terminally Ill 4 Terminally ill 4 diagnosis 4 methods 4 Adaptation, Psychological 3 Argonne, Battle of the, France, 1918 3 Attitude to Death 3 Caregivers 3 College teachers 3 Disease 3