History 397 Study and teaching 381 Social life and customs 129 Education 124 Vietnam War, 1961-1975 114 Students 109 Conduct of life 108 Activity programs 102 Classroom management 102 Science 101 Teachers 95 Hunting 92 Rural families 92 Self-reliant living 92 Survivalism 92 Wilderness areas 92 Politics and government 90 Animals 82 World War, 1939-1945 80 Behavior modification 77 Career development 71 Teaching 66 Training of 66 Study and teaching (Secondary) 65 Technology 59 Mathematics 57 Study and teaching (Primary) 53 Behavior disorders in children 50 Educational tests and measurements 50 Educational technology 47 English language 47 Prisoners 46 Civilization 45 Curricula 42 Prisons 41 Popular music 39 Airplanes 38 Economic conditions 37 Natural history 37 Crime 36 Social conditions 36 Vietnam Conflict 35 Foreign relations 34 Parent participation 34 African Americans 33 Behavior Therapy 33 Career Mobility 33 Prisoners' songs 33 Celebrities 32 Early childhood education 32 Criminal investigation 31 Curiosities and wonders 31 Military weapons 31 Aeronautics 30 Art 30 Foreign speakers 30 Rating of 30 Methods 28 Murder 28 Reading 28 Research 28 School principals 28 Campaigns 27 Dancers 27 Design and construction 27 Ecology 27 Veterans 27 Airplanes, Military 26 Schools 26 Ability testing 25 Design 25 Education, Secondary 25 Educational leadership 25 Fishing 25 Race relations 25 Genealogy 24 Korean War, 1950-1953 24 Special education 24 Ballet 23 Citizenship 23 Literacy 23 Physical education and training 23 Conduct disorders in children 22 Criminals 22 Human ecology 22 Trapping 22 Animal behavior 21 Choreographers 21 Educational Technology 21 Military assistance, American 21 Parole 21 Basic training (Military education) 20 Criticism and interpretation 20 Dance 20 Nutrition 20 Prevention 20 Aids and devices 19 Cooking 19 Cosmology 19 Environmental policy 19