History 83
African Americans 39
Folklore 20
English language 17
Women 14
Study and teaching 12
Civil rights 10
Authors, American 8
Family members 8
Gender identity 8
Mathematics 8
Scientists 8
Childhood and youth 7
Civil rights movements 7
Race relations 7
Social life and customs 7
Activity programs 6
Artists 6
Authorship 6
Children 6
Civilization 6
Drawing 6
Kings and rulers 6
Presidents 6
Science 6
Technique 6
World War, 1939-1945 6
African American women 5
Alphabet 5
Books and reading 5
Handicraft 5
Vocabulary 5
Acting 4
Auditions 4
Biography 4
Description and travel 4
Geometry 4
Grammar 4
History and criticism 4
Indigenous peoples 4
Jews 4
Measurement 4
Monologues 4
Painters 4
Physicists 4
Psychological aspects 4
Slavery 4
Addition 3
Alphabet books 3
Asperger's syndrome 3
Authors, English 3
Autistic children 3
Biography & Autobiography 3
Black people 3
Children's literature 3
Cinderella (Tale) 3
City and town life 3
Civil rights workers 3
Comedy sketches 3
Composition and exercises 3
Death 3
Dinosaurs 3
Drug abuse 3
Educational games 3
Enslaved persons 3
Experiments 3
Families 3
Family relationships 3
Fractions 3
Ghosts 3
Heads of state 3
Human body 3
Inventors 3
Journalists 3
Musicians 3
Patients 3
Picture books for children 3
Political activity 3
Politics and government 3
Psychology 3
School integration 3
Substance abuse 3
Teenagers 3
Women mathematicians 3
Abolitionists 2
Aerialists 2
African American 2
African American singers 2
American literature 2
Animals 2
Antiquities 2
Arithmetic 2
Astronauts 2
Astronomers 2
Autism 2
Baseball players 2
Basketball 2
Basketball players 2
Bears 2