History 226
Teaching 168
Aids and devices 166
Operas 90
Teaching Materials 89
Active learning 81
African Americans 50
Social conditions 41
Politics and government 40
Study and teaching 40
Education, Primary 39
Race relations 32
Treatment 30
Civil rights 29
Social life and customs 29
Early childhood education 28
Middle school education 27
Education, Secondary 26
World history 26
Music 23
Streaming video 23
Study and teaching (Middle school) 23
Education 21
Social aspects 20
Economic conditions 19
Education, Elementary 18
History and criticism 18
Presidents 18
Sociology 18
Civilization 17
Development 17
Modern dance 17
Women 17
Climatic changes 16
Motion picture industry 16
Theater 16
Computer programs 15
Emigration and immigration 15
Mathematics 15
Movement disorders in children 15
Psychotherapy 15
Racism 15
World War, 1939-1945 15
Ballet 14
Therapeutic use 14
Civil rights movements 13
Civilization, Ancient 13
Dance 13
Environmental aspects 13
Learning strategies 13
Middle school teaching 13
Moral and ethical aspects 13
Music and dance 13
Python (Computer program language) 13
Vocational guidance 13
Application software 12
Celebrities 12
Genealogy 12
Global warming 12
Hand 12
Management 12
Science 12
Artificial intelligence 11
Arts 11
Civil rights demonstrations 11
Deglutition disorders in children 11
Economic aspects 11
Family 11
Home care 11
Political aspects 11
Production and direction 11
Rehabilitation 11
Wounds and injuries 11
Brief psychotherapy 10
Description and travel 10
Documentary films 10
Environmental sciences 10
Experimental theater 10
Fairy tales 10
Government policy 10
Health 10
High school teaching 10
Immigrants 10
Indians of North America 10
Junior high school teaching 10
Prevention 10
Psychology 10
Short films 10
Acting 9
Choreographers 9
Counseling 9
Dancers 9
Elementary school teaching 9
Family relationships 9
Pollution 9
Primary school teaching 9
Programming 9
Slavery 9
Social institutions 9
Study and teaching (Elementary) 9