History 127
Swordsmen 30
Kings and rulers 24
Celebrities 23
Genealogy 23
World War, 1939-1945 18
Family 11
Man-woman relationships 11
Cosmology 9
Presidents 9
Social life and customs 9
Art 8
Arts 8
Civilization 8
Hospitals 8
Humanity in art 8
Politics and government 8
Social conditions 8
Economic conditions 7
Friendship 7
Slavery 7
World War, 1914-1918 7
Bullying 6
Cold War 6
Defectors 6
Ex-convicts 6
Nurses 6
Orphans 6
Physicians 6
Poor 6
Private schools 6
Secret service 6
Students 6
Assassination 5
Espionage, Soviet 5
Law and legislation 5
Queens 5
Spies 5
Women farmers 5
Campaigns 4
French drama 4
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 4
Military attachés 4
National socialism 4
Nazis 4
Women 4
World history 4
Armada, 1588 3
Bull Run, 1st Battle of, Va., 1861 3
Foreign relations 3
Historiography 3
Mass media 3
National socialism in popular culture 3
Political aspects 3
Press coverage 3
Reconstruction (1939-1951) 3
Atrocities 2
Cannabis 2
Circus 2
Courtship 2
Description and travel 2
Detectives 2
Economic history 2
Emigration and immigration 2
Epilepsy in children 2
Flags 2
History, Military 2
Industries 2
Marijuana 2
Military art and science 2
Military weapons 2
Money 2
Murder 2
Participation, Indian 2
Pioneers 2
Princes 2
Public opinion 2
Railroads 2
Religious aspects 2
Serial murder investigation 2
Serial murderers 2
Sex customs 2
Trials (Witchcraft) 2
Triangles (Interpersonal relations) 2
Windsor, House of 2
Young women 2
Abused wives 1
Academic medical centers 1
Actors 1
Actresses 1
Admission and discharge 1
Adoption 1
African American women singers 1
Anarchism 1
Anger in adolescence 1
Antietam, Battle of, Md., 1862 1
Architecture 1
Art and religion 1
Asian Americans 1
Assassination attempts 1