Folklore 68
Social life and customs 55
Tales 50
History 42
African Americans 33
Indians of North America 29
History and criticism 22
Jews 21
Legends 21
Indigenous peoples 19
Religion 19
Oral tradition 17
Mythology 12
Indian mythology 11
Women 11
Animals 9
Rites and ceremonies 8
Gender identity 7
Religious aspects 7
Social conditions 7
African American authors 6
African Americans in literature 6
Celts 6
Fairy tales 6
Intellectual life 6
Jewish legends 6
Ojibwa Indians 6
Storytelling 6
Children 5
Ethnology 5
Inuit 5
Social aspects 5
American literature 4
Arabs 4
Description and travel 4
Ethnic identity 4
Folklorists 4
Indians 4
Jewish folk literature 4
Judaism 4
Plants 4
Sephardim 4
Symbolic aspects 4
Tricksters 4
Vampires 4
Aboriginal Australians 3
African influences 3
Algonquian Indians 3
American fiction 3
Arabic literature 3
Black people 3
Criticism and interpretation 3
Heroes 3
Human-animal relationships 3
Hunting 3
Indians of Mexico 3
Indians of South America 3
Indigenous mythology 3
Literature and folklore 3
Medicine 3
Medicine, Traditional 3
Mexican Americans 3
Music 3
Nationalism 3
Oral history 3
Origin 3
Politics and government 3
Quiché Indians 3
Race identity 3
Religious life and customs 3
Storytellers 3
Traditional medicine 3
Trees 3
Vodou 3
Yoruba (African people) 3
Algonquian languages 2
Animals and civilization 2
Animals in literature 2
Antiquities 2
Authors, American 2
Aztecs 2
Bears 2
Birds 2
Black or African American 2
Cannibalism 2
Choctaw Indians 2
Civilization 2
Creoles 2
Criticism 2
Dead 2
Discourse analysis, Narrative 2
Dogs 2
Eskimos 2
Ethnic folklore 2
Ethnic relations 2
Ethnobotany 2
Family 2
Family members 2
Fishing 2
Folk literature, Indian 2