Man-woman relationships 51 Film adaptations 42 History and criticism 40 History 35 Social life and customs 23 Motion pictures and literature 15 English drama 14 Motion pictures 13 Social classes 13 Love 11 Murder 11 Operas 11 Feature films 9 Kings and rulers 9 Women 9 Criticism and interpretation 8 Orphans 8 Triangles (Interpersonal relations) 8 World War, 1939-1945 8 American fiction 7 English literature 7 Families 7 Friendship 7 Social conditions 7 Young women 7 Children's literature 6 English fiction 6 Friendship in children 6 Gardens, English 6 Married people 6 Time travel 6 Young men 6 Investigation 5 Sexual relationships 5 Adultery 4 Fairy tales 4 Fathers and daughters 4 Fathers and sons 4 Films for hard of hearing people 4 Gay men 4 Jealousy 4 Love triangles 4 Musicals 4 Nobility 4 Psychological aspects 4 Rejection (Psychology) 4 Television adaptations 4 Theater 4 African Americans 3 American drama 3 American literature 3 Artists 3 Avarice 3 Betrayal 3 Boys 3 Children 3 Courtship 3 DVD-Video discs 3 Death 3 Fairy tales in motion pictures 3 Family members 3 Fathers 3 Friendships 3 Gay teenagers 3 Gender identity 3 In motion pictures 3 Influence 3 Journalists 3 Knowledge 3 Male friendship 3 Marital status 3 Missing persons 3 Mothers and daughters 3 Nazis 3 One-act plays 3 Politics and government 3 Poor families 3 Production and direction 3 Revenge 3 Social conflict 3 Spouses 3 Teenage girls 3 Underground movements 3 Abandoned children 2 Actresses 2 Adopted children 2 Appreciation 2 Aristocracy (Social class) 2 Assassination 2 Athens (Greece) 2 Authors 2 Cancer 2 Characters 2 Civilization 2 College teachers 2 Coming of age 2 Conduct of life 2 Country life 2 Criminals 2 Death and burial 2