Social life and customs 159 Man-woman relationships 98 History 75 Orphans 70 Young women 68 Investigation 35 Murder 35 Families 30 Swordsmen 30 Actors 26 Sisters 23 Social classes 20 Fathers and daughters 18 Women detectives 18 Acting 17 Auditions 17 Children 17 Social conditions 17 World War, 1939-1945 17 Actions and defenses 16 Teachers 16 Boarding schools 15 Country life 15 Gay men 15 Female friendship 14 Casting 13 Married people 13 School principals 13 Theater 13 Conduct of life 12 Family-owned business enterprises 12 Legal status, laws, etc 12 March family (Fictitious characters) 12 Men 12 Societies and clubs 12 Stepfathers 12 Children's rights 11 Women 11 Adultery 10 Apprenticeship programs 10 Aristocracy (Social class) 10 Brothels 10 Businesspeople 10 Casting directors 10 Dysfunctional families 10 Kings and rulers 10 Postal service 10 Prostitutes 10 Prostitution 10 Villages 10 Death 9 Inheritance and succession 9 Pickpockets 9 Roommates 9 Spouses 9 Children of prisoners 8 Compulsive gamblers 8 Debt, Imprisonment for 8 Gay community 8 Gay people 8 Grandparent and child 8 Male homosexuality 8 Revenge 8 Spies 8 Storytelling 8 Triangles (Interpersonal relations) 8 Young men 8 Bovary, Emma (Fictitious character) 7 Cultural Characteristics 7 Ex-convicts 7 Gardens 7 History, Military 7 Hospitals 7 Industrial revolution 7 Manners and customs 7 Middle class 7 Secret service 7 Widows 7 Women farmers 7 Avarice 6 Borrowers (Fictitious characters) 6 Brothers 6 Bullying 6 Cattle 6 Christmas 6 Cold War 6 Courage 6 Cowboys 6 Defectors 6 Design and construction 6 Drovers 6 Dwellings 6 Environmental policy 6 Fantasy 6 Farmers 6 Friendship 6 Gardeners 6 Governesses 6 Historic buildings 6 Marketing 6