Man-woman relationships 142 Gay men 54 History 51 Families 50 Social life and customs 38 Triangles (Interpersonal relations) 31 Women 29 Social conditions 27 Male friendship 20 Friendship 19 Murder 16 Actors 15 Fathers and daughters 15 Mothers and sons 15 Motion pictures 15 Young women 15 Adultery 14 Death 14 Fathers and sons 14 Mothers and daughters 14 Coming out (Sexual orientation) 13 Social classes 13 Children 12 Lesbians 12 Love 12 Patients 12 Gay teenagers 11 Interpersonal relations 11 Orphans 11 Theater 11 Boys 10 Family relationships 10 Marriage 10 Sisters 10 Social aspects 10 Female friendship 9 Gay couples 9 Grief 9 Homosexuality 9 Sexual behavior 9 Teenage boys 9 Dysfunctional families 8 Jealousy 8 Revenge 8 Teacher-student relationships 8 Teenage girls 8 World War, 1939-1945 8 Fathers 7 Politics and government 7 Teenagers 7 Young men 7 Actresses 6 Artists 6 Auditions 6 Authors 6 Experimental films 6 Married people 6 May-December romances 6 Painters 6 Teachers 6 Closeted gay people 5 Dogs 5 Down syndrome 5 Family members 5 Feature films 5 Gender identity 5 Girls 5 High school students 5 Homophobia 5 Inheritance and succession 5 Jews 5 Journalists 5 Kidnapping 5 Missing persons 5 Motion picture actors and actresses 5 Motion picture producers and directors 5 Poor families 5 Single mothers 5 Spouses 5 Strikes and lockouts 5 Suicide 5 Swindlers and swindling 5 Villages 5 Voyages and travels 5 Widowers 5 Young gay men 5 AIDS (Disease) 4 Arranged marriage 4 Assassins 4 Attitudes 4 Best friends 4 Betrayal 4 Blind 4 Brothers 4 College teachers 4 Conduct of life 4 Contests 4 Cross-dressers 4 Film adaptations 4 Gangsters 4