Social life and customs 262
Rites and ceremonies 69
Indians of North America 43
Indigenous women 40
Indian women 35
Manners and customs 34
Nambicuara Indians 34
Folklore 31
Social conditions 30
Indians of South America 28
Inuit 28
Music 24
History 17
Indigenous peoples 17
Carnival 16
Cultural Characteristics 16
Innu Indians 16
Economic conditions 15
Ethnomusicology 15
Documentary films 14
Fishers 14
Production and direction 14
Ethnology 13
Families 13
Refugees 13
Folk music 12
Social aspects 12
Dance 11
Motion pictures 11
Religion 11
Women 11
Demonology 10
Politics and government 10
Religious life and customs 10
Children 9
Emigration and immigration 9
Fishing 9
Black people 8
Funeral rites and ceremonies 8
Hunting 8
Religious aspects 8
Sinhalese (Sri Lankan people) 8
Exorcism 7
Fasts and feasts 7
Festivals 7
Healing 7
Legends 7
Mayas 7
Older Inuit 7
Aboriginal Australians 6
Death 6
Economic aspects 6
Ethnic identity 6
Fisheries 6
Government relations 6
Immigrants 6
Inuit artists 6
Ojibwa Indians 6
Sex role 6
Shamans 6
Sustainability 6
Women, Black 6
Agriculture 5
Climatic changes 5
Indian youth 5
Land tenure 5
Marriage customs and rites 5
Spirituality 5
Traditional medicine 5
AIDS (Disease) 4
Algonquian Indians 4
Anthropology 4
Ashaninca Indians 4
Atikamekw Indians 4
Buddhism 4
Canoes and canoeing 4
Children of migrant laborers 4
Culture 4
Deaf 4
Eskimos 4
Folk festivals 4
Funeral customs and rites 4
Hinduism 4
Indigenous youth 4
Lobster fisheries 4
Logging 4
Missing persons 4
Mothers and daughters 4
Nature 4
Shoshoni Indians 4
Tukuarika Indians 4
Youth 4
!Kung (African people) 3
Adultery 3
Arranged marriage 3
Artists 3
Assimilation (Sociology) 3
Behavior 3
Contracting out 3
Description and travel 3