History 5,191 History and criticism 1,442 Politics and government 712 Social aspects 681 Criticism and interpretation 574 Social conditions 517 Political aspects 362 Philosophy 331 Women 280 Social life and customs 246 Economic conditions 234 Race relations 230 African Americans 211 history 210 Intellectual life 203 Foreign relations 197 Influence 190 Religious aspects 190 Motion pictures 181 Civilization 174 English literature 162 Economic aspects 159 Research 159 Government policy 152 Education 139 Emigration and immigration 127 Church history 124 Ethnic relations 122 Historiography 122 Moral and ethical aspects 122 Psychological aspects 121 World War, 1939-1945 121 American literature 119 Civil rights 116 Music 113 Christianity 112 methods 112 In literature 110 Indians of North America 110 Political activity 110 Nationalism 108 Study and teaching 108 Religion 106 Law and legislation 103 Jews 102 Relations 96 Colonies 89 Management 87 Antiquities 84 Political and social views 84 Psychology 84 English language 83 Methodology 82 Democracy 81 English fiction 80 Political science 80 Science 80 Biography 79 Immigrants 79 Popular culture 79 Criticism, interpretation, etc 78 Children 77 History, Military 77 Literature and society 77 Economic policy 76 Medicine 75 Technological innovations 74 Economics 73 Medical care 72 Slavery 72 Literature 70 Treatment 70 Ethnic identity 69 Environmental aspects 68 Theory, etc 68 Women and literature 68 Public opinion 67 Description and travel 66 Feminism 66 Modernism (Literature) 65 History, 20th Century 64 Prevention 64 Women authors 64 Legal status, laws, etc 62 Theater 62 psychology 62 Gender identity 61 Islam 61 Nursing 61 World War, 1914-1918 61 Finance 60 Racism 60 Presidents 59 Judaism 58 American fiction 57 Diseases 57 Sex role 57 Social sciences 57 Architecture 56 Mass media 56