History 289 History and criticism 76 Politics and government 61 Social aspects 53 Social conditions 45 methods 27 Criticism and interpretation 25 Mathematical models 20 Philosophy 20 Political aspects 20 African Americans 18 Research 18 Social life and customs 17 Design and construction 16 Race relations 16 Women 16 Diseases 15 Economic conditions 15 psychology 15 Science 14 therapy 14 Government policy 13 Water 13 Children 12 Child 11 Economic aspects 11 Emigration and immigration 11 Ethnic relations 11 Influence 11 Water-pipes 11 Economic policy 10 English literature 10 Evolution (Biology) 10 Foreign relations 10 Medical care 10 Medicine 10 Music 10 Political activity 10 Prevention 10 American literature 9 Antiquities 9 Civil rights 9 Civilization 9 Environmental aspects 9 Management 9 Methodology 9 Motion pictures 9 Nationalism 9 Psychology 9 Risk assessment 9 World War, 1939-1945 9 diagnosis 9 history 9 Brain 8 Colonies 8 Commerce 8 Data processing 8 Diagnosis 8 Finance 8 History, Military 8 In literature 8 Language and languages 8 Risk Assessment 8 Slavery 8 Socioeconomic Factors 8 Treatment 8 physiology 8 Cognition 7 Ecology 7 Evolution 7 Globalization 7 Intellectual life 7 Mathematics 7 Psychoanalysis 7 Psychological aspects 7 Safety measures 7 Technological innovations 7 Therapeutic use 7 prevention & control 7 standards 7 trends 7 Civil rights movements 6 Distribution 6 Education 6 Enslaved persons 6 Health Policy 6 Literature and society 6 Mental Disorders 6 Political culture 6 Pollution 6 Public health 6 Social change 6 Sociolinguistics 6 Study and teaching 6 economics 6 etiology 6 therapeutic use 6 Behavior 5 Biotechnology 5 Child development 5